The Death of Marcus Aurelius

The Death of Marcus Aurelius

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Seneca, On Peace of Mind 1.6

While I am well satisfied with this, I am reminded of the clothes of a certain schoolboy, dressed with no ordinary care and splendor, of slaves bedecked with gold and a whole regiment of glittering attendants.

I think of houses too, where one treads on precious stones, and where valuables lie about in every corner, where the very roof is brilliantly painted, and a whole nation attends and accompanies an inheritance on the road to ruin. What shall I say of waters, transparent to the very bottom, which flow round the guests, and banquets worthy of the theatre in which they take place?

Coming as I do from a long course of dull thrift, I find myself surrounded by the most brilliant luxury, which echoes around me on every side. My sight becomes a little dazzled by it. I can lift up my heart against it more easily than my eyes.

A life of temperance, of moderation, and of simplicity makes complete sense in my head. It has also, whenever I have found the discipline to practice it, been the most peaceful and satisfying kind of life I have ever known.

It’s hardly as if my intellect is in open war with my passions; I both know and feel the true and the good in it, deep down inside of me. The mind and the heart both agree, giving me that firm and contented nod of approval.

So where is that itch coming from? Why do I find that itch so hard to scratch?

Something within me is still mightily impressed by grandeur, by luxury, and by showing off. I understand quite well that I should look away, but my eyes seem pulled back toward all of that, time and time again.

It’s much like those classic horror movies of my youth, where you know the foolish teenager will meet a terrible and bloody end in but a moment. You cover your eyes, but you still peek out through your fingers.

I know I should not want a life of decadence, and I remember how miserable I felt whenever I pursued any of that. Still, I read about the celebrities with their elaborate parties, their extravagant mansions, and their private jets. It still captivates me, and so it also gives me a sense of unease.

Perhaps it is the unconscious desire for mere gratification, in the face of all else that I value? Perhaps it is the pull of old habits, struggling against my more recent convictions? Perhaps it is really just the need to follow along with the popular crowd, to do things the way everyone else seems to do them?

It is certainly difficult to go one way, when the world around you goes another. Is that the tiny annoying flea causing the itch?

Whatever the case, I find it rather irritating. I’m not sure where it comes from, so I’m not sure where to find a cure.

Written in 4/2011

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