The Death of Marcus Aurelius

The Death of Marcus Aurelius

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Stoic Film: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

We have become far too negative about politics, and about films of this sort, because we have all become accustomed to greed and graft running anything and everything. This country, or any country, needs a few more men like Jefferson Smith. They do indeed exist, though they are usually ignored and ridiculed. They aren't politicians of the usual sort, because they care about you, and not just about themselves.

The greatest compliment I ever received was someone who told me I reminded her of James Stewart. I fear it was mainly my 1930's style fedora hat that led to the statement, but I'll take it. Stewart wasn't just an actor, but he was a good man, and the character he plays should be an inspiration, not someone to be mocked.

How I would jump for joy if a U.S. Senator honestly admitted on the floor that he is unworthy of office. Note how it hardly matters if the mass of Americans, who had been been deceived by their masters, wrote Smith all those letters telling him to yield. He stood his ground on principle, and Senator Paine did indeed listen. There is something wonderfully Stoic about that.

Written in 1/2004

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