The Death of Marcus Aurelius

The Death of Marcus Aurelius

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Thomas a Kempis, The Imitation of Christ 1.17

Of a religious life

1. It behooves you to learn to mortify yourself in many things, if you will live in amity and concord with other men. It is no small thing to dwell in a religious community or congregation, and to live there without complaint, and therein to remain faithful even unto death. Blessed is he who has lived a good life in such a body, and brought it to a happy end. If you will stand fast and will profit as you ought, hold yourself as an exile and a pilgrim upon the earth. You will have to be counted as a fool for Christ, if you will lead a religious life.

2. The clothing and outward appearance are of small account; it is change of character and entire mortification of the affections which make a truly religious man. He who seeks anything save God and the health of his soul, shall find only tribulation and sorrow. Nor can he stand long in peace, who strives not to be least of all and a servant of all.

3. You are called to endure and to labor, not to a life of ease and trifling talk. Here therefore are men tried as gold in the furnace. No man can stand, unless with all his heart he will humble himself for God's sake.

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