11. In whatever way men worship Me, in the same way do I fulfill their desires: it is My path, O son of Prithâ, that men tread, in all ways.
12. Longing for success in action, in this world, men worship the gods. Because success, resulting from action, is, quickly attained in the human world.
13. The fourfold caste was created by Me, by the differentiation of Guna and Karma. Though I am the author thereof, know Me to be the non-doer, and changeless.
14. Actions do not taint Me, nor have I any thirst for the result of action. He who knows Me thus is not fettered by action.
15. Knowing thus, the ancient seekers after freedom also performed action. Do you, therefore, perform action, as did the ancients in olden times.
16. Even sages are bewildered, as to what is action and what is inaction. I shall therefore tell you what action is, by knowing which you will be freed from evil.
17. For verily, the true nature even of action enjoined by the Shâstras (Precepts) should be known, as also, that of forbidden action, and of inaction: the nature of Karma is impenetrable.
18. He who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction, he is intelligent among men, he is a Yogi and a doer of all action.
19. Whose undertakings are all devoid of plan and desire for results, and whose actions are burnt by the fire of knowledge, him, the sages call wise.
20. Forsaking the clinging to fruits of action, ever satisfied, depending on nothing, though engaged in action, he does not do anything.
—Bhagavad Gita, 4:11-20

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