Look all around on the courses of the stars, as if running around their races with them; and give mind unceasingly to the mutations of the elements with one another. For the impressions of these things cleanse away the sordidness of the earthly life.
—Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 7.47
Confirm thyself in meditation oft
O’ the elements—as fire, and how it burns,
And water the extinguisher, and soft
Billow of air that to a tempest turns.
Reckon their casual conflicts, when they rage
In civil strife, or banded ’gainst the earth
In ireful havoc, but soon their wrath assuage
To bake the meats and green the plain for mirth.
Then up, beyond these elements surmise,
Pondering what may be the circling stars,
Yet as if riding with them through the skies,
Driving the coursers of those fiery cars.
This fellow converse scours away the rust
Gendered of earthy days mid noise and dust.
IMAGE: Jan Bruegel the Elder, Abundance and the Four Elements (c. 1606)
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