The Death of Marcus Aurelius

The Death of Marcus Aurelius

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Howard Jones, Dream into Action 12

This is, in hindsight, one of Jones' most powerful songs, a perfect example of how an album track, with no possibility of becoming a sellable single, can allow an artist to truly shine. I suspect it was deliberately written to be the closer, and it serves that role brilliantly. I regularly walk away from it with a restored sense of meaning and purpose. 

I have always been eager to share the music I love with those who aren't "fans" (as much as I dislike that term), but this was another of those tunes that would usually fall on deaf ears. It's certainly a bit too slow and serious for any easy listening, and many people would brush it off as "Howard doing his Buddhist thing again." 

Now while his particular faith is clearly evident here, I would argue that the theme is common to all "wisdom traditions", and fits just as well in the context of the Gospels, the Bhagavad Gita, or the dialogues of Plato. For all the peculiarities of this or that culture, truth is ultimately something Universal. A fear of death and an attachment to worldly diversions, which hinder us from becoming who we were meant to be, is a mighty obstacle for anyone who struggles with being human. 

I would also argue that it is quite a "countercultural" message as well, not in the shallow sense of angrily condemning institutions and sticking it to the man, but as a genuine calling to reflect on life's priorities. Despite their many charms, the 1980's had a nasty streak of cold materialism and cynicism to them, and a song like this was the perfect antidote for me. 

The stock market isn't important. Political posturing isn't important. The rat race at the office isn't important. Love and understanding are important. 


A few words of commentary from Howard Jones: 

And the song itself: 

Howard Jones, "Hunger for the Flesh" from Dream into Action (1985) 

Spare a thought for the souls
Who cannot leave this earth
The attachments bind so tightly, not a chance
Not a chance of a new birth

The river gently beckons
But the answer is no
Gripping their illusions
They cannot let them go

Hunger for the flesh
Leads them to a weaker heart
Mortals who imprison themselves
Let them have a new start

Wishing to hold onto life and all its games
Singing their lament song
Holding back the change

They came here for to dance
To learn and not to cling
Holding onto life
As if it were the important thing

Hunger for the flesh
Hunger for security
Caught up in the mesh
Caught up for eternity

Hunger for the flesh
Hunger for security
Caught up in the mesh
Caught up for eternity

The river gently beckons
But the answer is no
Gripping their illusions
They cannot let them go

Hunger for the flesh
Leads them to a weaker heart
Mortals who imprison themselves
Let them have a new start
Let them have a new start

Hunger for the flesh
Hunger for security
Caught up in the mesh
Caught up for eternity

Hunger for the flesh
Hunger for security
Caught up in the mesh
Holding back the change 

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