The Death of Marcus Aurelius

The Death of Marcus Aurelius

Monday, December 26, 2022

Michael Leunig 44


  1. Something I do when I'm in a high stress situation (hubby had to go out of town and the toddler has an explosive stomach flu, for example) is find something, ANYTHING, in that situation to be thankful for ("thank God we have a working washing machine and shower"). It really does help me keep from being overwhelmed.

    1. Exactly! Little drops in the happiness gauge! And even then, when the thinking is just right, the "things" begin to fall away, and the opportunities for action rise up.

      The love behind that very filthy job of cleaning up after a sick toddler, regardless of means, is itself the reward. Once the true merit is understood, the rest is nothing more than an inconvenience.

      Will the child ever thank you for it? Irrelevant. You did it for another.

    2. Vocation in a nutshell.

      That actually helps me put something else I've been thinking about lately in context. Thanks.
