The Death of Marcus Aurelius

The Death of Marcus Aurelius

Monday, July 18, 2022

Wisdom from the Early Cynics, Diogenes 9

And Diogenes would wonder that the grammarians should investigate the ills of Odysseus, while they were ignorant of their own. 

Or that the musicians should tune the strings of the lyre, while leaving the dispositions of their own souls discordant; that the mathematicians should gaze at the sun and the moon, but overlook matters close at hand; that the orators should make a fuss about justice in their speeches, but never practice it; or that the avaricious should cry out against money, while inordinately fond of it. 

He used also to condemn those who praised honest men for being superior to money, while themselves envying the very rich. 

He was moved to anger that men should sacrifice to the gods to ensure health, and in the midst of the sacrifice should feast to the detriment of health. 

He was astonished that when slaves saw their masters were gluttons, they did not steal some of the viands. 

—Diogenes Laërtius, 6.28 

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