The Death of Marcus Aurelius

The Death of Marcus Aurelius

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Sayings of Ramakrishna 108

A sage was lying in a deep trance (Samâdhi) by a roadside; a thief passing by, saw him, and thought within himself, "This fellow, lying here, is a thief. He has been breaking into some house by night, and now sleeps exhausted. The police will very soon be here to catch him. So let me escape in time." Thus thinking, he ran away. 

Soon after a drunkard came upon the sage, and said, "Hallo! thou hast fallen into the ditch by taking a drop too much. I am steadier than thou, and am not going to tumble."

Last of all came a sage, and understanding that a great sage was in a trance (Samâdhi), he sat down, and touched him, and began to rub gently his holy feet.

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