22. I have, O son of Prithâ, no duty, nothing that I have not gained,
and nothing that I have to gain, in the three worlds; yet, I continue
in action.
23. If ever I did not continue in work, without relaxation, men, O son of Prithâ, would, in every way, follow in My wake.
24. If I did not do work, these worlds would perish. I should be the
cause of the admixture of races, and I should ruin these beings.
25. As do the unwise, attached to work, act, so should the wise act, O descendant of Bharata, but without attachment, desirous of the guidance of the world.
26. One should not unsettle the understanding of the ignorant,
attached to action; the wise, himself steadily acting, should engage the ignorant in all work.
27. The Gunas of Prakriti perform all action. With the understanding deluded by egoism, man thinks, "I am the doer."
28. But, one, with true insight into the domains of Guna and Karma,
knowing that Gunas as senses merely rest on Gunas as objects, does not
become attached.
29. Men of perfect knowledge should not unsettle the understanding
of people of dull wit and imperfect knowledge, who deluded by the Gunas
of Prakriti attach themselves to the functions of the Gunas.
30. Renouncing all actions to Me, with mind centered on the Self,
getting rid of hope and selfishness, fight—free from mental fever.
31. Those men who constantly practice this teaching of Mine, full of
Shraddhâ (Faith, Respect for Ancestors) and without cavilling, they too, are freed from work.
32. But those who decrying this teaching of Mine do not practice it, deluded in all knowledge, and devoid of discrimination, know them
to be ruined.
—Bhagavad Gita, 3:22-32
Building upon many years of privately shared thoughts on the real benefits of Stoic Philosophy, Liam Milburn eventually published a selection of Stoic passages that had helped him to live well. They were accompanied by some of his own personal reflections. This blog hopes to continue his mission of encouraging the wisdom of Stoicism in the exercise of everyday life. All the reflections are taken from his notes, from late 1992 to early 2017.
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