
Primary Sources

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Howard Jones, Dream into Action 11

There is something about the sound of this track that represents everything I loved about the early 1980's, even as the period was quite frustrating for me in so many other ways. The message of the lyrics, however, did not really sink in for me until a good decade later. It took me some time to appreciate how difficult it can be to think for ourselves, and how easily we define our own identities through others. 

It is good to have teachers, mentors, even heroes and gurus, and indeed, we can hardly walk through this world without being moved and inspired, for better or for worse, by the example of our fellows. And yet there is also the danger zone, where we stop doing the work for ourselves and we start hitching a free ride. It feels so much easier to follow, and there is a misleading security in becoming a yes-man. 

So many of my generation were convinced that we were going our own way, while we were really just jumping on the bandwagon of the latest fad. We see it in religion, in politics, and in any sort of ideology, for as long as the image appears fresh and edgy, we will settle for the same old stale conformities. 

Even when I tried to separate myself from the herd, I found that I was only following the next herd over. I would allow myself to be pushed back and forth by pretentious writers, raging militants, and crazed zealots. While it all seemed so radical, it ended up as a complete surrender of the self. 

There needs to come a point where you take what you need, and you leave the rest, when all the guidance is just a preparation for taking that first step alone. The partisan lets others do his reasoning for him, while the brave soul finally strikes out on his own. Yes, it can be quite frightening, though it is also supremely liberating. 

I strive to learn from everyone, but my judgments must ultimately be my own. 


A few words of commentary from Howard Jones: 

And the song itself: 

Howard Jones, "Why Look for the Key?" from Dream into Action (1985) 

And they made this secret pact His knowledge would be tapped The link was based on a respect On their lives they would reflect 
A perfect state of non-attachment Was striven for and claimed as fact The younger grew and learnt his lesson well All his ideals were intact 
Why look for the key in another? The answer lay in his own heart Won't find yourself in some other It always was there right at the start 
But power it corrupted That's where attachment starts The power had erupted The spell will crack 
As each mental bond was broken Strength grew in the young man's heart What began as love, not passion Had left a seed in his heart 
Why look for the key in another? The answer lay in his own heart Won't find yourself in some other It always was there right at the start 
Why look for the key in another? The answer lay in his own heart Won't find yourself in some other It always was there right at the start 
Why look for the key in another? Won't find yourself in some other 

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