
Primary Sources

Friday, November 24, 2023

The Wisdom of Solomon 19:6-12

[6] For the whole creation in its nature was fashioned anew,
complying with your commands,
that your children might be kept unharmed.
[7] The cloud was seen overshadowing the camp,
and dry land emerging where water had stood before,
an unhindered way out of the Red Sea,
and a grassy plain out of the raging waves,
[8] where those protected by your hand passed through as one nation,
after gazing on marvelous wonders.
[9] For they ranged like horses,
and leaped like lambs,
praising you, O Lord, who did deliver them.
[10] For they still recalled the events of their sojourn,
how instead of producing animals the earth brought forth gnats,
and instead of fish the river spewed out vast numbers of frogs.
[11] Afterward they saw also a new kind of birds,
when desire led them to ask for luxurious food;
[12] for, to give them relief, quails came up from the sea.  

IMAGE: Nicolas Poussin, The Crossing of the Red Sea (1634) 

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