
Primary Sources

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Wisdom from the Early Stoics, Zeno of Citium 53

The ethical branch of philosophy the Stoics divide as follows: 

1) the topic of impulse 
2) the topic of things good and evil 
3) that of the passions 
4) that of virtue
5) that of the end
6) that of primary value and of actions 
7) that of duties or the befitting 
8) that of inducements to act or refrain from acting. 

The foregoing is the subdivision adopted by Chrysippus, Archedemus, Zeno of Tarsus, Apollodorus, Diogenes, Antipater, and Posidonius, and their disciples. 

Zeno of Citium and Cleanthes treated the subject somewhat less elaborately, as might be expected in an older generation. They, however, did subdivide Logic and Physics as well as Ethics. 

—Diogenes Laërtius, 7.84 

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