
Primary Sources

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita 49

24. Some by meditation behold the Self in their own intelligence by the purified heart, others by the path of knowledge, others again by Karma Yoga. 

25. Others again not knowing thus, worship as they have heard from others. Even these go beyond death, regarding what they have heard as the Supreme Refuge. 

26. Whatever being is born, the moving or the unmoving, O bull of the Bhâratas, know it to be from the union of Kshetra and Kshetrajna.

27. He sees, who sees the Lord Supreme, existing equally in all beings, deathless in the dying.

28. Since seeing the Lord equally existent everywhere, he injures not Self by self, and so goes to the highest Goal. 

29. He sees, who sees that all actions are done by Prakriti alone and that the Self is actionless. 

30. When he sees the separate existence of all beings inherent in the One, and their expansion from That One alone, he then becomes Brahman. 

31. Being without beginning and devoid of Gunas, this Supreme Self, immutable, O son of Kunti, though existing in the body neither acts nor is affected. 

32. As the all-pervading Akâsha (Aether), because of its subtlety, is not tainted, so the Self existent in the body everywhere is not tainted. 

33. As the one sun illumines all this world, so does He who abides in the Kshetra, O descendant of Bharata, illumine the whole Kshetra. 

34. They who thus with the eye of knowledge perceive the distinction between the Kshetra and the Kshetrajna, and also the emancipation from the Prakriti of beings, they go to the Supreme. 

Bhagavad Gita, 13:24-34 

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