
Primary Sources

Monday, February 1, 2021

Sayings of Ramakrishna 60

There is a fabled species of birds called 'Homâ', which live so high up in the heavens, and so dearly love those regions, that they never condescend to come down to the earth. 

Even their eggs, which, when laid in the sky, begin to fall down to the earth attracted by gravity, are said to get hatched in the middle of their downward course and give birth to the young ones. 

The fledgelings at once find out that they are falling down, and immediately change their course and begin to fly up towards their home, drawn there by instinct. 

Men such as Suka Deva, Nârada, Jesus, Samkarâkârya and others, are like those birds, who even in their boyhood give up all attachments to the things of this world and betake themselves to the highest regions of true Knowledge and Divine Light. These men are called Nitya Siddhas.

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