
Primary Sources

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita 25

The Blessed Lord said:

1. With the mind intent on Me, O son of Prithâ, taking refuge in Me, and practicing Yoga, how you shall without doubt know Me fully, that do you hear.

2. I shall tell you in full, of knowledge, speculative and practical, knowing which, nothing more here remains to be known.

3. One, perchance, in thousands of men, strives for perfection; and one perchance, among the blessed ones, striving thus, knows Me in reality. 

4. Bhumi (earth), Ap (water), Anala (fire), Vâyu (air), Kha (aether), mind, intellect, and egoism: thus is My Prakriti (Nature) divided eight-fold. 

5. This is the lower Prakriti. But different from it, know you, O mighty-armed, My higher Prakriti—the principle of self-consciousness, by which this universe is sustained.

6. Know that these two Prakritis are the womb of all beings. I am the origin and dissolution of the whole universe. 

Bhagavad Gita, 7:1-6

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