
Primary Sources

Monday, November 5, 2018

Epictetus, Golden Sayings 45

Is there smoke in the room? If it be slight, I remain; if grievous, I leave it. For you must remember this and hold it fast, that the door stands open. 

"You shall not dwell at Nicopolis!"

Well and good. 

"Nor at Athens." 

Then I will not dwell at Athens either. 

"Nor at Rome." 

Nor at Rome either.

"You shall dwell in Gyara!" 

Well, but to dwell in Gyara seems to me like a grievous smoke. I depart to a place where none can forbid me to dwell: that habitation is open unto all! 

As for the last garment of all, that is the poor body. Beyond that, none can do anything to me. This is why Demetrius said to Nero: 

"You threaten me with death; it is Nature who threatens you!" 

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