
Primary Sources

Friday, July 5, 2024

Sayings of Ramakrishna 247

Remain always strong and steadfast in your own faith, but eschew all bigotry and intolerance. 

Epictetus, Discourses 2.6.4

“In Caesar's presence my life is in danger.”
But am not I in equal danger, dwelling in Nicopolis, where earthquakes are so many? And you too, when you sail across the Adriatic, are you not in danger of your life?
“Yes, but in thought too I am in danger.”
Your thought? How can that be? Who can compel you to think against your will? The thought of others? How can it be any danger to you for others to have false ideas?
“Yes, but I am in danger of being banished.”
What is being banished? Is it being elsewhere than in Rome? 
“Yes, suppose I am sent to Gyara?”
If it makes for your good, you will go: if not, you have a place to go to instead of Gyara, a place whither he who is sending you to Gyara will also go whether he will or no. 
Why then do you go to Rome as though it meant so much? It is not much compared with your preparation for it: so that a youth of fine feeling may say, “It was not worth this price—to have heard so many lectures and written so many exercises, and sat at the feet of an old man of no great merit." 

—from Epictetus, Discourses 2.6 
What I might consider to be safety is hardly safe at all. I am confused about where to find any true security, looking on the outside instead of on the inside, and I boldly claim to know so many things for certain about which I am really only guessing.
My forays into academic philosophy were built largely around a defense of classical realism, the position that knowledge is directly grounded in an awareness of what is objectively real. This corresponds to the Stoic concept of katalepsis, or “grasping”, where the assent of the mind is true or false through its conformity to being. In this, the Stoics stood firm against the various schools of the Skeptics, just as nowadays the few of us who insist upon common-sense realism are desperately trying to stay afloat in a sea of subjectivism. 
Yet as I probed further and further into the topic, I found that I needed be extremely careful about what I could actually declare to be certain: the list seemed to get shorter by the day. While my commitment to wisdom greatly increased, my confidence in its scope sharply decreased. I held very many opinions about the world, and yet very few of them could be “tied down” by knowledge, as Socrates said, so I reduced myself to a small set of first principles and a cautious curiosity about all the rest. 
In daily practice, this meant that I had to tear down many old assumptions, including what I took to be constant and reliable in this world. While I was tempted to cling to possessions, I found that they did not define me. While I sought a diversion in social entanglements, they offered nothing substantial. While I relied upon my surroundings, I was neglecting what was essential within me. I had many plans for the outer trappings of my life, though I was quite clueless about the inner purpose of my life. 
It turned out that I could not turn to my circumstances for comfort, since there was nothing stable or reliable to them—Fortune marches to her own drum.  In contrast, however, I perceived why the very facts of my own nature clearly indicated my calling: as a creature of mind, I am made to know the truth, and as a creature of will, I am made to love the good. Anything else is fleeting, and hence it is negotiable. With apologies to Thomas Aquinas, the rest now seemed like straw. 
Why am I so troubled by the behavior of some petty tyrant, when the real problem is about ruling my own soul? It ultimately makes little difference if I am executed in Rome, or crushed by an earthquake in Nicopolis, or banished to the barren island of Gyara. Events will play themselves out on their own terms, and there will be an ending, one way or another; the world offers no guarantees. In the meantime, it is my responsibility to live with conviction and integrity, to build up what little virtue I can, and to thereby add my momentary spark to the all-consuming fire that is God. 
You ask how I am certain there “is” a God? Where there is any being, there is Being. Where there is action, there is purpose. Where there is meaning, there is Mind. From the beauty of the smallest thing, I perceive the glory of the greatest thing.
If I maintain I can no longer bear it, then I can opt out right now, but there is still so much for me to do, there are still so many opportunities to live with prudence, fortitude, temperance, and justice. This is why each moment is precious, and, dare I say, sacred. The duration or the location are insignificant in comparison to the dignity of the human vocation. 
The many worldly successes we are taught to revere are ridiculously overrated: they add nothing to what is at the core, and they can so very quickly become a distraction from the task at hand. They will tell you how this school, or that job, will bring you satisfaction, and then you see how it is all about putting on a show. Do not despair, as this means you are finally waking up! 
I don’t imagine any of the inhabitants of Pompeii expected to be smothered by volcanic ash on that fateful day, and they probably felt quite secure in their daily routines. Take nothing for granted, and by being indifferent to circumstances you are then free to focus on cultivating the peace of the soul. 

—Reflection written in 6/2001 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Stoic Snippets 244

There is no nature which is inferior to art, for the arts imitate the natures of things. 

But if this is so, that Nature which is the most perfect and the most comprehensive of all natures, cannot fall short of the skill of art. 

Now all arts do the inferior things for the sake of the superior; therefore the Universal Nature does so too. 

And, indeed, hence is the origin of justice, and in justice the other virtues have their foundation: for justice will not be observed, if we either care for middle things, the things indifferent, or are easily deceived and careless and changeable. 

—Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 11.10 

IMAGE: Francois Boucher, Allegory of Painting (1765) 

Epictetus, Discourses 2.6.3

But Chrysantas, when he was about to strike the enemy, and heard the bugle sounding the retreat, desisted: so convinced was he that it was more to his advantage to do the general's bidding than his own. 
But not a man of us, even when necessity calls, is willing to obey her easily, but we bear what comes upon us with tears and groans, and we call it “circumstances”.
What do you mean by “circumstances”, fellow men? If you mean by “circumstances” what surrounds
you, everything is circumstance; if you use the term in the sense of hardships, how is it a hardship that what was born should be destroyed? 
The instrument of destruction is a sword or a wheel or the sea or a potsherd or a tyrant. What matters it to you, by what road you are to go down to Hades? All roads are alike. 
But, if you will hear the truth, the road the tyrant sends you is shorter. No tyrant ever took six months to execute a man, but a fever often takes a year to kill one. All these complaints are mere noise and vanity of idle phrases. 

—from Epictetus, Discourses 2.6 
We are so busy struggling to be free from things, we forget how to be free in things. The true liberation comes from working with Nature, not from fighting against Nature. 
I suffer under a deadly illusion when I assume that what is good for me must be in conflict with what is good for another. If I am insisting on going my own way, how much of that is honestly about thinking for myself, and how much of that is just stubborn vanity? When a command comes to me, am I worried more about my love for the true and the good or about my own lust for dominance and superiority? 
I should advance when it serves the whole, and I should retreat when it serves the whole. It makes no difference if an order comes from a rich man or from a poor man, only that I am willing to follow the guidance of a wise man, who is doing nothing more than echoing the ultimate purpose of Providence. Let me remove any hint of self-importance from my judgments, for every man is important when he is happy to share in a responsibility. 
When I am angry about the circumstances, and I begin to grumble and scheme, it is always because I am starting with an implicit premise that my worth is defined by the conditions of fortune. Once I return to forming the content of my character, the tears and the groans pass away, slowly but surely. There is no magic to it, only an awareness of how my feelings are joined to my understanding. 
The events cannot be avoided—they are to be accepted for what they are, so that I can thereby become what I am meant to be. Wherever I try to run, however much I plot, the world will bring all sorts of trouble, which is a fitting mark of a world that is charged with change. Yes, that includes death itself, through which the new is born from the old. 
There ought to be less anxiety about when I will die, and more of a commitment to how I will rise to the occasion. If I can manage it with such an ultimate question, all the rest of the hardships will feel like a walk in the park. 

—Reflection written in 6/2001 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Dhammapada 379, 380

Rouse yourself by yourself, examine yourself by yourself, thus self-protected and attentive will you live happily, O Bhikshu!

For self is the lord of self, self is the refuge of self; therefore curb yourself as the merchant curbs a good horse. 

IMAGE: Theodore Gericault, Horse Stopped by Four Young People (1817) 

Stobaeus on Stoic Ethics 9

The Stoics say that there are several virtues and that they are inseparable from each other. 

And that in substance they are identical with the leading part of the soul; accordingly, they say that every virtue is and is called a "body"; for the intellect and the soul are bodies. For they believe that the inborn pneuma (breath) in us, which is warm, is soul. 

And they also want to claim that the soul in us is an animal, since it lives and has sense-perception, and especially so the leading part of it, which is called "intellect". 

That is why every virtue too is an animal, since in substance it is the same as the intellect; accordingly, they say also that prudence acts prudently. For it is consistent for them to speak thus. 

IMAGE: Pieter Boel, Fighting Animals as an Allegory of the Combat between Virtue and Vice (c. 1660) 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Sayings of Publilius Syrus 149

A kindness should be received in the spirit that prompted it. 

Epictetus, Discourses 2.6.2

Suppose you did not get what you wanted? Surely that was his business and not yours. Why then do you claim what is another's? If you always remember what is yours and what is not yours, you will never be put to confusion. 
Therefore, Chrysippus well says, “As long as the consequences are unknown to me, I always hold fast to what is better adapted to secure what is natural, for God Himself created me with the faculty of choosing what is natural.” 
Nay, if I really knew that it was ordained for me now to be ill, I should wish to be ill; for the foot too, if it had a mind, would wish to get muddy.
For instance, why do ears of corn grow? Is it not that they may ripen in the sun? And if they are ripened, is it not that they may be reaped, for they are not things apart? If they had feelings then, ought they to pray never to be reaped at any time? But this is a curse upon corn—to pray that it should never be reaped. 
In like manner know that you are cursing men when you pray for them not to die: it is like a prayer not to be ripened, not to be reaped. 
But we men, being creatures whose fate it is to be reaped, are also made aware of this very fact, that we are destined for reaping, and so we are angry; for we do not know who we are, nor have we studied human things as those who are skilled in horses study the concerns of horses. 

—from Epictetus, Discourses 2.6 
In finding myself awkwardly out of place in this world, and in also having a melancholic disposition, I often feel inclined to gripe and moan. If I then foolishly choose to surround myself with those who have a perverse pride in their many dissatisfactions, I merely compound the matter. Do I not see how my misery is entirely of my own making? 
I perceive this section of the text to be achingly beautiful, though whenever I share it with others, they usually just see doom and gloom. The way Epictetus writes, and the whole context of what I call the Stoic Turn, can only be uplifting when I have joyfully embraced a whole new set of values. All of those crippling diversions out there? They are as nothing. Instead, look within to the invincible dignity of this little soul. 
Just as the world was made to be as it is for a perfectly good reason, so my own intellect and will were given to me so that I might come to know and to love my place within the whole. My particular nature is completed by working in harmony with the Universal Nature, and I am gifted with awareness so that I can arrive at this insight through my own free choice. 
Now this all sounds perfectly nice, one could say, as long as the circumstances of Nature are pleasant, but I will surely change my tune once the world starts to scratch and bite. If that is indeed how I respond, I have hardly learned the lesson, because I still remain attached to outside conditions, valuing convenience over character. No, once I discover the source of my happiness in what is rightly my own, I do not need to depend upon what rightly belongs to another. 
Epictetus is not trying to one-up Chrysippus, and he is instead clarifying how radical and transformative such a true commitment to Nature must be. If it has happened, what good will come from any rage or despair? Let me rather ask myself how I can modify my own thoughts and deeds to cooperate with Providence; every purpose is joined to every other, and my part is defined by what I decide to do, not by what is done to me. 
Whatever is sown is meant to be reaped, so the crop does not feel the need to complain. Opening my mind to the inner worth of every creature is what makes it possible for me to love both myself and others, whatever the accidents may be. Pleasure or pain, riches or poverty, health or sickness are all on the table—accepting this is the first step to serenity. 
If I knew myself morally even half as well as I am expected to know my worldly trade, this would not be such a difficult task. 

—Reflection written in 6/2001 

IMAGE: Pieter Bruegel the Elder, The Harvesters (1565) 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Proverbs 1:10-16

[10] My son, if sinners entice you,
do not consent.
[11] If they say, "Come with us, let us lie in wait for blood,
let us wantonly ambush the innocent;
[12] like Sheol let us swallow them alive
and whole, like those who go down to the Pit;
[13] we shall find all precious goods,
we shall fill our houses with spoil;
[14] throw in your lot among us,
we will all have one purse"—
[15] my son, do not walk in the way with them,
hold back your foot from their paths;
[16] for their feet run to evil,
and they make haste to shed blood. 

IMAGE: Francisco Goya, Assault of Thieves (1794) 

Epictetus, Discourses 2.6.1

Chapter 6: On what is meant by “indifferent” things.
Take a given hypothetical proposition. In itself it is indifferent, but your judgement upon it is not indifferent, but is either knowledge, or mere opinion, or delusion. 
In the same way, though life is indifferent, the way you deal with it is not indifferent. Therefore, when you are told “These things also are indifferent”, do not be careless, and when you are urged to be careful, do not show a mean spirit and be overawed by material things.
It is a good thing to know what you can do and what you are prepared for, that in matters where you are not prepared, you may keep quiet and not be vexed if others have the advantage of you there. 
For when it is a question of syllogisms, you in your turn will expect to have the advantage, and if they are vexed with this you will console them with the words, “I learnt them, but you did not.” 
So when acquired dexterity is needed it is for you in your turn not to seek what only practice can give: leave that to those who have acquired the knack, and be content yourself to show constancy.
“Go and salute such a one.” 
I have saluted him. 
In no mean spirit.
“But his house was shut upon you.” 
Yes, for I have not learned to enter by the window: when I find the door shut, I must either retire or go in by the window.
'But again one says, "Talk to him."'
I do talk to him.
In no mean spirit. 

—from Epictetus, Discourses 2.6 
The very term “Stoic” is now sadly associated with someone who is cold and emotionless, even if the original school taught rather a commitment to possessing a mastery over our passions. Someone recently told me that this was a distinction without a difference, though I will respectfully insist on a real contrast between minding one’s feelings and being enslaved to one’s feelings. 
Nor does it help when a critical Stoic concept, the willingness to become “indifferent” to our circumstances, is also tied up in the subtleties of language. In everyday usage, indifference is usually understood to be a state of not caring, and I confuse matters even more if I introduce the Greek apatheia, from which we derive our modern word “apathy”. 
I will let the scholars bicker as much as they like, for while I appreciate the importance of precise phrasing, I also believe the reality behind the words should be the ultimate focus of our attention. I don’t prefer to use foreign terms when native ones will do: besides the fact that it smacks of pretentiousness, just a few minor tweaks are usually sufficient to set the record straight. 
Whether we translate apatheia as indifference, or perhaps most accurately as equanimity, it means recognizing that whatever value a thing may have in itself, its value for the sake of my character depends entirely upon how I choose to make use of it. It becomes good for me when I employ it as an opportunity for virtue, and it becomes bad for me when I twist it into an occasion for vice. 
The Stoic most certainly does care, even if how and why he cares is quite unconventional. We become accustomed to thinking of events as being either beneficial or harmful to us, yet this reduces us to creatures made happy or miserable by everything beyond ourselves. Instead, we can find peace of mind by withholding any presumptions about their worth: they are, so to speak, neutral matter, upon which we then work by applying our judgments. 
Just as a hypothetical statement is open to possibilities, so all aspects of our lives will only become bound one way or another by our estimation. Is money a good thing or a bad thing? It is neither, since it has no merit until it is placed in the service of some human purpose—what moral end does it assist? The same is true of pleasure, or honor, or any of the other conditions we usually take as being desirable. 
I must be wary of becoming attached to things, and I must also be mindful of not confusing that distance with any sort of resentment. Have I done something in the right way? Then let me find joy in that, without a posture of arrogance. Have I failed to meet the mark? Then let me patiently get to work at reforming my habits, without a hint of envy. 
What others have done reflects on them, and not on me; what I can do is my sole business, always maintaining my composure, whichever way the wind may happen to blow. Fears, frustrations, and anxieties are the result of our distorted attitudes, not of the way the world unfolds. Things should be “indifferent” to me because they do not define or govern me. 

—Reflection written in 6/2001